AI Usage Policy
For Authors:
- Human Relations will not accept any papers utilizing AI-generated datasets.
- All AI usage (e.g., editing, proofing, idea generation, literature searches) must be accounted for in detail in the cover letter accompanying your manuscript.
- All AI usage (e.g., editing, proofing, idea generation, literature searches) must be described in the methods section of your manuscript.
- Should it at any point be discovered that AI usage has not been fully acknowledged this will constitute grounds for rejection of a submitted manuscript or retraction of a published manuscript.
For AEs/Reviewers:
- AI tools should not be used to conduct manuscript reviews. Uploading an MS into ChatGPT for this purpose will make it part of the public domain which may be flagged during subsequent plagiarism checks.
Data Transparency Policy
We understand that primary data collection often involves significant effort and that it is possible to publish more than one paper from a dataset. If that is the case with the current submission, then we require that you submit details of all published papers based on the same dataset. This means submitting all relevant manuscripts along with a data transparency matrix specifying the variables (or for qualitative studies, quotations, observations etc.) used in those MSs and their overlap with the current study variables (or qualitative data). To ensure transparency is maintained, the data transparency matrix must be updated when papers under review in other journals progress to publication. This is to ensure the MS being reviewed at Human Relations makes a unique and substantive theoretical contribution. Violation of this policy at any stage is grounds for rejection of the manuscript.
Manuscript Translation Policy
Human Relations does not allow translations of our articles by translators other than those supported by Sage ( However, while Sage can support such translations, they need to be funded by the individual or institution that is requesting the translated article. Articles translated into another language (such as Portuguese) with Sage support can be published in an online format, available as “supplementary material”, accessible via a link from the journal website and hosted on a separate page. Publishing the translation in any other outlet would require a reuse permission from Sage. Please see here instructions on how to request such permissions:”
Book Review Policy
We don’t publish book reviews.