The Human Relations 75th Anniversary Conference Proceedings is an online repository of all papers presented at the Human Relations 75th Anniversary Conference. The Conference took place in London from Wednesday 19th April to Friday 21st April 2023; celebrating our heritage, as well as looking towards the future of Human Relations, the conference welcomed over 140 members – Editorial Board members, reviewers, PhD students and authors. Only extended abstracts are available in these proceedings so that full length papers may be submitted for future journal publication. If you have any questions about the conference, please contact the Human Relations Editorial Manager – Meg Davies,
Critique and Contestation at Work
A critical discourse analysis of the labour market activation of vulnerable women
Constructing never-never land: Precarity and the future of work for the young
Who Cares? Contingent academic work and the ethics of care during the Covid-19 crisis
An examination of feminist collectives at work through theories of judgment
Wading through the New Normal: A discourse analysis of re-defined workplace norms
Self-caught in Paradox: Middle Managers’ Agentive Construction of Powerlessness
Aggression- Troubling: Organizational Violence, Perception and Parody
A Question of Trust: Meaning Making in the Aftermath of a Sexual
Misconduct in organizations – NDAs as a poros out of aporia?
Identities and Employee Relations
Negotiating within and across different walks of life: Identity work among expatriate academics
Identity threat and its underlying causes in a remote work environment
Getting in and getting on (and getting out): Skilled migrants’ labour market trajectories
When pain is not suffering: An integrated literature review to clarify suffering
What happened to the Affluent Worker? Deindustrialisation and class in an East of England town
Holding environment in psychodynamic coaching: What do we know and where do we go from here?
Making sense of menopause: Identity threat and reconstruction at work
From grieving to career change: How personal grief- inducing events affect work identity
Déjà vu: Rewriting identity scripts of tea plantations employees in post-colonial era
Friendly Phantoms: How do individuals use their feared selves to construct a positive work identity
Does good human resource management reduce the cost of financing?
Generation Z engagement in the workplace: Reframing manager relations with Generation Z employees
From passive leaderships to hostility behaviors in demanding and stressful work contexts
Making sense of being a returner: the (many) trade-offs of opting back in
Organizing and Social Relationships in Non-Traditional Contexts
Interaction-as- intra-action: A more-than-human relational perspective on collective leadership
Conflicting at the juxtaposition of organizational turbulence and values
Organisational Evolution and Identity Formation Processes
Coworking spaces as sites of organizing
When Kairos meets Chronos: Exploring career stories through two time perspectives
Going back to my roots: Stability despite liminality in the search for meaningful work
Identifying Talent Management Practices in Early Stages of Enterprises
Embedding Compassion in Work: A Sensemaking Approach for Stigmatized Occupations
The development of a hierarchical power configuration in a field
Proactivity and Job Design in Employment Relations
A Review of Theoretical Perspectives on Team Conflict Effects
The Effect of Candour on Workplace Relationships: The Influence of Trust
Decoding Working Parents’ Leadership Behaviors at Work
Work Design and Workers’ Welfare: Integrating the Work of Lilian Gilbreth
Do We Get More When We Give More? The I-deals Relationships in the Workgroup Context
Work/ Non-Work Relationships and CSR
Remote Work Time: Incorporating the “Self” and the “Home”
Too Busy to Think?: The Erosion of Boundaries and Career Well-being for STEM Academics
Organizing and the construction of alterities
Duality of Informal Spaces in Organizations: Exploring Multiple Paradoxes
I don’t feel like it’s the be-all and end-all anymore”: How do employees lose work
Family recognition as a source of meaningful work
I Know How You Can Help Me: The Role of Others in Sustaining Experiences of Meaningful Work
Demanding a Voice? Worker Participation in the British Interwar Management Movement