Conference Proceedings: Human Relations 75th Anniversary

The Human Relations 75th Anniversary Conference Proceedings is an online repository of all papers presented at the Human Relations 75th Anniversary Conference. The Conference took place in London from Wednesday 19th April to Friday 21st April 2023; celebrating our heritage, as well as looking towards the future of Human Relations, the conference welcomed over 140 members – Editorial Board members, reviewers, PhD students and authors. Only extended abstracts are available in these proceedings so that full length papers may be submitted for future journal publication. If you have any questions about the conference, please contact the Human Relations Editorial Manager – Meg Davies,

Critique and Contestation at Work

A critical discourse analysis of the labour market activation of vulnerable women
Annelies Scheers, Anneleen Forrier, Nele De Cuyper and Joost Luyckx

Resistance in loss: Neoliberal work subjectivities, lost futures, and young women’s alternative becomings
Sharon Kishik and Justine Grønbæk Pors

Constructing never-never land: Precarity and the future of work for the young
Susan Ainsworth and Angela Knox

Homosocial academics in masculinity contest cultures: A study of emergent masculinities in Swedish business schools
Monica Lindgren and Johann Packendorff

Who Cares? Contingent academic work and the ethics of care during the Covid-19 crisis
Elina Meliou and Ana Lopes

Who achieves authentic academic career advancement and how? Insights from longitudinal interview research
Daphne van Helden

An examination of feminist collectives at work through theories of judgment
Elina Meliou and Florence Villesèche

Workplace regimes and social embeddedness: a comparative case study of McDonald’s in China and the UK
Wei Wei and Tony Royle

Wading through the New Normal: A discourse analysis of re-defined workplace norms
Abhipsa Dash Bhatt and Pavni Kaushiva

Self-caught in Paradox: Middle Managers’ Agentive Construction of Powerlessness
Katharina Musil and Barbara Müller

Aggression- Troubling: Organizational Violence, Perception and Parody
Kate Kenny and Mahaut Fanchini

‘Institutionally sexist’: how inclusivity strategies are undermined in organisations that aim to embed them
Sarah Gilmore, Jackie Ford and Nancy Harding

A Question of Trust: Meaning Making in the Aftermath of a Sexual
Angela Workman-Stark and Kim A. Jones

Misconduct in organizations – NDAs as a poros out of aporia?
Victoria Pagan

Identities and Employee Relations

Negotiating within and across different walks of life: Identity work among expatriate academics
Alexei Koveshnikov, Seonyoung Hwang and Perttu Kähäri

‘Lives in between’: Identities (re)configuration of Brazilian multinationals’ expats in multiple dimensions
Patricia Asunción Loaiza Calderón, Sérgio Eduardo de PinhoVelho Wanderley and Vanessa Faria Silva

Identity threat and its underlying causes in a remote work environment
Kate Yue Zhang

Getting in and getting on (and getting out): Skilled migrants’ labour market trajectories
Andrew Kozhevnikov, Tracy Scurry and Steve Vincent

When pain is not suffering: An integrated literature review to clarify suffering
Angela P. Chen

What happened to the Affluent Worker? Deindustrialisation and class in an East of England town
Tom Hoctor and Seamus Murphy

Holding environment in psychodynamic coaching: What do we know and where do we go from here?
Daniel Minis, Svetlana Khapova and Konstantin Korotov

Employees’ emotional responses to organizational stigma: Frontline fear and internalization of stigma
Sanne Frandsen, Mette Morsing and Enrico Fontana

Making sense of menopause: Identity threat and reconstruction at work
Belinda Steffan and Kristina Potočnik

From grieving to career change: How personal grief- inducing events affect work identity
Lidiia Pletneva

Déjà vu: Rewriting identity scripts of tea plantations employees in post-colonial era
Khandakar Shahadat

Organizing ecosystems for collaborative learning: How professional worker’s identities are affected when firms seek knowledge beyond professional and organizational boundaries
Anna Jonsson, Charlotta Kronblad and Frida Pemer

Friendly Phantoms: How do individuals use their feared selves to construct a positive work identity
Neveen Saied Mohamed and Katleen De Stobbeleir

Does good human resource management reduce the cost of financing?
Yumeng Gao and Andreas G. F. Hoepner

Generation Z engagement in the workplace: Reframing manager relations with Generation Z employees
Karina Ochis

From passive leaderships to hostility behaviors in demanding and stressful work contexts
M. Ángeles López- Cabarcos, Analía López-Carballeira and Carlos Ferro-Soto

Making sense of being a returner: the (many) trade-offs of opting back in
Cécile Guillaume, Gill Kirton and Carole Elliott

Organizing and Social Relationships in Non-Traditional Contexts

Interaction-as- intra-action: A more-than-human relational perspective on collective leadership
Laura J Reeves, Clare Rigg and David Thuku

Leading an agile workforce: Professional Intimacy as a key interpersonal resource for leaders to support effectiveness and well-being in agile work
Emma Russell, Zahira Jaser and Jay McCloskey

Conflicting at the juxtaposition of organizational turbulence and values
Carsten Lind, Marianna Fotaki and Dimitrios Spyridonidis

A Study of the Organisational Behaviour of Software Test Engineers, Contributing to the Digital Transformation of Banks in the Irish Financial Sector
Darren Byrne, Aisling Tuite and John Organ

Organisational Evolution and Identity Formation Processes
Hugh Edward Waters

Coworking spaces as sites of organizing
Stefano Rodighiero

Deconstructing People, Analytics and Platforms: Embodied Multimodalities, Inclusion and Work Identity
Gifty Parker

When Kairos meets Chronos: Exploring career stories through two time perspectives
Hannelore Ottilie Van den Abeele

Going back to my roots: Stability despite liminality in the search for meaningful work
Annette Yunus-Pendrey, Jean-Pascal Gond and André Spicer

Legacy imprinting: a dynamic analysis of how interpretations of job demands and resources change in virtual contexts
Almudena Cañibano, Petros Chamakiotis and Emma Russell

Identifying Talent Management Practices in Early Stages of Enterprises
Naya Hapsari

Embedding Compassion in Work: A Sensemaking Approach for Stigmatized Occupations
Anshul Mandliya and Jatin Pandey

The development of a hierarchical power configuration in a field
Isabelle Bouty and Marie-Léandre Gomez

Embodying specialized job counselling for people with a disability: how embodiment affects job counselling
Ann-Sophie Baeken, Anneleen Forrier, Nele De Cuyper and Emily Heaphy

Towards a relational theory of organisational care: the gentle crafting and embedding of care in employment relations
Aisling Tuite and Ray Griffin

Proactivity and Job Design in Employment Relations

A multi-level investigation of the effect of servant leadership on proactivity in a team context: Positive affect and team emotional climate as mediators
Sabrine El Baroudi, Wenjing Cai and Svetlana Khapova

The way you make me feel: An episodic perspective on how leader-follower emotional entrainment shapes daily interaction quality
Jakob Stollberger, Fabiola H. Gerpott and Wladislaw Rivkin

A Review of Theoretical Perspectives on Team Conflict Effects
Mengting Su and Parisa Rungruang

“An ill-fitting uniform … never quite sits right”: The role of Pacific staff networks in addressing gender and intersectional equality and inclusion in the workplace
Patricia Loga, Seluvaia Paea, Jane Parker and Amanda Young-Hauser

The Effect of Candour on Workplace Relationships: The Influence of Trust
Fernando Olivera, Karen MacMillan, Cameron McAlpine and Gouri Mohan

Trust-based management in public sector organizations: The role of daily work information flows for work autonomy and trust
Svetlana Norkin, Katriina Byström and Åge Johnsen

Decoding Working Parents’ Leadership Behaviors at Work
Huda Masood and Marie-Helene Budworth

Work Design and Workers’ Welfare: Integrating the Work of Lilian Gilbreth
Giverny De Boeck and Wim Van Lent

Do We Get More When We Give More? The I-deals Relationships in the Workgroup Context
Farid Jahantab, Smriti Anand and Prajya R. Vidyarthi

It matters that you care: Interacting Exchange Relationships, the Role of Perceived Organisational Support in Shaping the Transactional Psychological Contract Dimensions
Sudeshna Bhattacharya, Wladislaw Rivkin, and Pawan Budwar

End of a journey or the start of another? Experiences from post-negotiation phase of an idiosyncratic deal
Swati Garg and Shuchi Sinha

Subsidiarity as a guiding principle for shared leadership
Charlotta Levay

Why don’t women fit to top positions? Tales of executive search consultants in Central Eastern Europe
Henriett Primecz and Beata Nagy

Proactivity, Job design, and Manager-Employee Interactions
Huda Masood and Marie-Helene Budworth

Work/ Non-Work Relationships and CSR

Coming to Terms with Commuting: How Daily Morning and Evening Commute Recovery Experiences Ignite Resource Gain Spirals Across the Commute-, Work-, and Home Domain
Wladislaw Rivkin, Fabiola H. Gerpott and Dana Unger

Remote Work Time: Incorporating the “Self” and the “Home”
Ruilin Huang and Frida Pemer

Too Busy to Think?: The Erosion of Boundaries and Career Well-being for STEM Academics
Ellen Ernst Kossek and Clare Kelliher

Draw the Line? How Boundary Creation Behaviors at The End of Work Relate to Recovery and Next-Day Work Performance
Fabiola H. Gerpott, Laura Venz, Wladislaw Rivkin and Dana Unger

Shining Light on the Darkness: Perceived Organizational Ethical Context as Deactivator of Employees’ Dark Personality and Activator of Ethical Decision Making
Sean R. Valentine, Robert A. Giacalone and Gary Fleischman

How internal CSR leads to employer recommendation - A mediation analysis based on S-O-R model and Social-Identity Theory
Jasmin Afrahi, Anna Mutter and Thomas Armbrüster

Organizing and the construction of alterities
Irene Skovgaard-Smith

Duality of Informal Spaces in Organizations: Exploring Multiple Paradoxes
Anshul Mandliya and Jatin Pandey

I don’t feel like it’s the be-all and end-all anymore”: How do employees lose work
Amanda Roe, Amanda Shantz and Wladislaw Rivkin

Family recognition as a source of meaningful work
Seonyoung Hwang, Evgenia I. Lysova and Yiluyi Zeng

I Know How You Can Help Me: The Role of Others in Sustaining Experiences of Meaningful Work
Evgenia I. Lysova and Claire Schulze Schleithoff

De-biased AI-based decision making and employee engagement: Reduced opacity and increased transparency perspective
Maryam Hina, Amandeep Dhir, AKM Najmul Islam and Shalini Talwar

Demanding a Voice? Worker Participation in the British Interwar Management Movement
Mairi Maclean, Gareth Shaw and Charles Harvey

Careers in the Anthropocene: A Bourdieusian Perspective on Climate Change Initiatives and its Impact on Careers
Katharina Hug, Katharina Chudzikowski and Stefanie Gustafsson

Exploring the Impact of Contextual Conditions on Psychological Safety, Level of Team Virtuality, and Burnout: Does it Help to Have a Choice?
Rebekah Dibble and Jennifer Parlamis