Submission checklist
- Read our Aims and Scope, Mission Statement, Guidance for contributors and data requirements.
- Read ‘How to prepare your submission‘. This document includes the formatting requirements for Human Relations (e.g., how to format headings, references, and tables).
- Read ‘How to submit your article online’ below. You may download this document here.
- Prepare an electronic version of your cover letter in line with instructions provided in how to prepare your submission document
- Prepare any supplementary files (e.g. other article[s] using the same data set plus a table showing differences and similarities).
- Obtain permissions for any reuse from copyright holders.
- Obtain release forms for worldwide online publication of any images of identifiable people or places.
- Prepare an electronic version of your manuscript in Microsoft Word that does not exceed 45 correctly formatted pages in total.
- State in your manuscript whether or not you have used pseudonyms for study participants (people and organizations).
- Read How to help readers find your article and check that your title, abstract and keywords all help to make your article more discoverable in online searches.
- Prepare your reference list.
- Prepare any tables.
- Prepare any figures.
- Prepare any supplementary material files intended for online-only publication.
- Check that none of the electronic documents contain viruses.
- Check that your manuscript (and response to reviewers, if submitted) does not include author names or details or any other information that might enable reviewers to identify any of the authors.
- Read ‘How to submit your article online’ below.
- Submit your manuscript online.